Indiana Industry

liaison Group

The Indiana Industry Liaison Group (IILG) is dedicated to the advancement of effective equal employment opportunity (EEO) and affirmative action (AA) compliance programs to eliminate workplace discrimination.

About Us

The Indiana Industry Liaison Group (IILG) is dedicated to the advancement of effective equal employment opportunity (EEO) and affirmative action (AA) compliance programs to eliminate workplace discrimination. Our meetings and activities are designed to foster open communication between Indiana employers and government compliance agencies as well as collaborative relationships among EEO, AA, and diversity practitioners. Featured agencies include the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The IILG provides information, resources, technical assistance and networking opportunities throughout the year via email updates and at quarterly meetings.


The mission is to provide a forum for open communications to foster a spirit of cooperation and trust between Indiana employers and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance/U.S. Department of Labor "OFCCP", Equal Employment Opportunity Commission "EEOC", and related agencies, which will result in greater equal employment opportunity through effective equal employment opportunity, diversity and affirmative action practices and programs.


  • To foster implementation of effective equal employment opportunity, diversity and affirmative action (EEO/DIVERSITY/AA) programs statewide
  • To provide advice and information from the OFCCP, EEOC and related agencies regarding EEO/DIVERSITY/AA policies, practices and procedures
  • To foster collaborative relationships among members
  • To collaborate with other organizations committed to the same objectives
  • To develop and disseminate materials which are relevant to the implementation of EEO/DIVERSITY/AA objectives
  • To promote ethical practices
  • To enhance the professional growth and development of the members
  • To sponsor and conduct educational programs and research which shall further the purposes and objectives of the IILG

Sign Up for Email Updates from IILG

Executive Committee

William C. Dykstra


Melissa Rubrecht

Melissa Rubrecht



Joyce Morgan

Joyce Morgan

Chair, Professional Development Committee

Currently available

Membership Chair

Organization history

The Indiana ILG was founded in 1997 to provide a forum for open communications to foster a spirit of cooperation and trust between Indiana employers and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance/U.S. Department of Labor (OFCCP), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and related agencies, which will result in greater equal employment opportunity through effective affirmative action and diversity practices and programs.

Industry Liaison Groups (ILGs)

Industry Liaison Groups (ILGs) were formed in the early 1980s to encourage open communications between private industry and the US Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and have evolved to include partnerships with other government agencies, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Local ILGs are found in every Department of Labor (DOL) region across the United States. ILGs are a unique private and public sector forum and there are more than 90 ILGs representing more than 2,500 companies that have federal contract and subcontracts.

National Industry Liaison Group (NILG)

The National Industry Liaison Group (NILG) is composed of representatives from various ILGs around the country. The NILG works closely with the OFCCP, EEOC, related administrative agencies and local and regional ILGs by advocating the positions and viewpoints of ILG member organizations, helping to influence regulatory and legislative outcomes and educating constituents on developments regarding equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and related regulatory changes.


The Value of IILG Membership

  • Opportunity to network with other federal contractors, consultants, and federal agency personnel
  • Information on best practices
  • Up-to-date and breaking news in the world of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity
  • Assistance partnering with diverse referral sources
  • Participation may further demonstrate good faith efforts to OFCCP of your Company’s attempts to comply with regulations and to seek qualified, diverse candidates

Individual Membership


Per year

Corporate Membership


Per year

Student Membership


Per year

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